Your News Feed » Code for your web page "When Steel Talks Steelpan News Headlines" news digest


Use JavaScript if you are a beginner or want the easiest method.

Using JavaScript you can include a feed digest on any HTML page, as long as you have the ability to edit the HTML directly. Find where in the HTML layout you want the digest to appear, and then paste in this code:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""><noscript><a href="">Click for &quot;When Steel Talks Steelpan News Headlines&quot;.</a> By <a href="">Feed Digest</a></noscript></script>
Pros: Can include on any HTML page. Works fine. Users see digest content okay. Ideal for novices.


PHP Include

If you have PHP support on your server, you can use the following code to include a feed digest directly into your page's source code:

include ("");
Pros: Fast. Works well with complex multi-language and character encoding situations.


Character Encoding

If your digest contains unexpected or weird symbols, read this..

If your digest contains non-ASCII characters, it is essential the character encoding of your page matches that of your digests, or vice versa. An HTML page has no definitive character encoding unless you specify one, and to do so include the following code in your page's <head> .. </head> section:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
This code should resolve any issues you may be having with extraneous, weird characters appearing in your digest which do not appear on an HTML preview.


Sharing Code With Others

You may share any text or code on this page with other people who may wish to include the When Steel Talks news digests on their pages.



Auto Discovery of RSS and Atom

Do you want people who come to your site to be able to subscribe to When Steel Talks news digests powered feed easily? Put the following code into the <head> .. </head> section of your page and many RSS and Atom clients will be able to "autodiscover" your feeds.

<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href="" />
<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="ATOM" href="" />