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- 2004 PanYard Watch -

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Sesame Flyers off to a "Flying Start"
for 2004, in their brand new space


For 2004, Sesame  Flyers Steel Orchestra is off to a flying start, and is one of the first bands set up in their newly-secured space for the 2004 Pan season.  Located at 3607 Church Avenue, (between Brooklyn Ave. & East 39th St.) Brooklyn, New York, pannists were already practicing last week.

Last year was an extremely taxing one for the youth-oriented steel orchestra, as they struggled to secure an outdoor rehearsal area/pan yard, in preparation for the 2003 Pan season.  It was about one week before the major Panorama competition at the end of August, that they were afforded a last-minute outdoor pan yard, but the ordeal had taken its toll.

The Church Ave.-based steelband's sounds are already attracting pan lovers who stop by on a nightly basis to admire the skill and sounds of the young musicians.  This year Sesame has secured the arranging talents of both Andy Akiho, and noted soloist Freddie Harris, III.  The co-arrangers were on hand drilling the enthusiastic band members, as When Steel Talks dropped by the pan yard on Thursday July 22...



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