Panorama Gold

Real Steel

Panorama Championships - 2012, 2013, 2014 - See more

2024 Tune of choice: Pan In Danger  |  arranger:  Leroy Clarke

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Real Steel are primarily based in Plymouth and have been firmly established as the South West’s top steel band for over 21 years. With the creation of the ensemble in 1991 and the efforts of the Estover Percussion Project; a non-profit-earning community organisation, Real Steel has progressed into a nationally known steel orchestra. The band has reached a professional standard by having an intensive tour schedule embracing major festivals, venues and live events scaling up and down the country and even the world supplying vibrant, cultural music.

Real Steel is having a considerable effect on the local community in terms of providing social, creative and training outlets. Anyone is invited to learn and become a part of the cultural music.

Since 1994, Real Steel have been regular participants in the world’s second biggest carnival, Notting Hill. Real Steel showcases the arrangements of the talented young arranger Leroy Clarke. Partaking in the reclaimed ‘J’Ouvert’ and ‘Pan on the Road’ competitions the band rightfully earn awards congratulating them on the outstanding precision of their tunes. More recently, Real Steel have been crowned the Champions of Steel at the national Panorama competition. The band have rightfully pushed their way to the top taking 1st place in 2012, 2013 & 2014 reclaiming themselves as the top steel band of Europe. Shortly after an invitation was passed to represent Europe in the World Championships of Steel Bands!

  Real Steel Arrangers

  Panorama Performance

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