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Nigeria-Pan Trinbago Steelpan Development Company - Partnership OVER!!

A When Steel Talks Exclusive

Global - In a carefully-worded communiqué from the office of ATTSDC’s (Africa-Trinidad & Tobago Steelpan Development Company, Ltd.) CEO Chief Bowie S. Bowei, comes a statement that regrettably, the partnership entered into earlier in 2012, has been dissolved. The communiqué went further to explain that failure of the company rests squarely on the shoulders of Pan Trinbago. 

The ATTSDC, a joint venture between Pan Trinbago and what was up until then, the Steelband corporation out of Nigeria known as Xcel Steelpan Co., Ltd. - was launched officially earlier this year in July at the Hyatt Hotel in Trinidad.  But as of this date, that partnership is no more. It is over. This according to the Personal Assistant to CEO Chief Bowie S. Bowei, who communicated the following statement to When Steel Talks: 

“Unfortunately, Pan Trinbago and FCL Ltd. have failed to meet up with their obligations and have been identified as the reasons why the company cannot make any reasonable progress since it’s attempted merging. It is for these reasons that Chief Bowie S. Bowei, the only legitimate shareholder who is the only one with paid up shares and who alone has been carrying all the burdens of the company, has decided to return the company to its former status of sole ownership. 

“Over one year of his [Chief Bowie S. Bowei’s] time, effort and money has been wasted by officials of Pan Trinbago, who do not still have any picture of the objectives of the company and FCL who have clearly indicated through alterations of board resolutions and other questionable behavior, that they are only prepared to eat up the company to destruction. 

“Chief Bowei is a true Pan enthusiast and has deep passion for the wonderful gift from Trinidad and has decided therefore, to move ahead with the dreams he has pursued single handedly for over ten years. This information is to keep you and all the Panmen in Trinidad guided, please.” 

Pictured below is the previous signing ceremony with Chief Bowie S. Bowei of Xcel, Nigeria, Mr. Keith Diaz, Pan Trinbago President, Mr. Daniel Lambert of FCL Trinidad and Tobago et al.

(l-r) Jawara Mobota, ATTSDC Company Secretary/legal adviser; H.E. Nyahuma Obika; Keith Diaz; Chief Bowie S. Bowei; H.E. Garvin Nicholas; ATTSDC shareholder, FCL’s Daniel Lambert
(l-r) Jawara Mobota, ATTSDC Company Secretary/legal adviser; H.E. Nyahuma Obika; Keith Diaz; Chief Bowie S. Bowei; H.E. Garvin Nicholas; ATTSDC shareholder, FCL’s Daniel Lambert

Stay with When Steel Talks for more on this breaking development.

Link to original extensive discussion on this WST Forum, on the Launch of ATTSDC.

More on the ATTSDC

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