Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - “All I can tell you is that, “Professor” is my brethren, he will be very missed. A good player – a great player, a great friend – a personal friend of mine. To ‘loss’ a man, who so represent this country a lot, all over the world, you know? And everybody mourning his death, all of us mourning his death, all of us musicians – everybody, and the whole world, the pan fraternity and even other musicians. Our prayers go out to him, he will be very missed.
Ken “Professor” Philmore
“Professor is an icon. Nice person; loving person. I could remember, Phase II did a CD, somewhere in the nineties, and we wanted to do a guest player. And I chose “Professor” to come and do it because he has a different style…If you here that CD – I forget the name of the song. We have that CD with him playing. If you hear that solo that man give us.
“He’s a loved person by everybody; beloved by everybody. You couldn’t meet a nicer person that “Professor,” in the Pan fraternity, even as a human being, you know? And everybody love him.
“…As a matter of fact, we’re going up there tonight, our band [Phase II] going up there tonight [October 2], to the wake, by Fonclaire, you know? So we going and support them. I’m supposed to play in the…funeral….ask me what tune would I play? I say ‘Pan by Storm’….It was a great song. That was a great song; I don’t know what happen, what happen that year [1990] that they [Fonclaire Steel Orchestra] didn’t win. But, say what. He gone to a better place, and we all pray for him, pray for the family, and everybody.
Len “Boogsie” Sharpe
“It will, it should bring Pan men more together….Last night [October 1] by Playboyz, there - people come out. All the pan people tonight [October 2] is in South, that will be bigger, because that’s his home town. So all the way from town [people] going and support him, which is nice, they support him. I just say God bless his soul, and we love him – I love “Professor”…as a brother. He’s well loved by all the people in the world who playing pan. They know of him, he’s an icon, he’s an icon.”
“Boogsie” Sharpe -
Champion Panorama Arranger, Composer,
Performing Artist
See more memories on Ken “Professor” Philmore

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