The Triple Second

ADLIB Steel Orchestra - Despers USA Steel Orchestra - D'Radoes Steel Orchestra

A Moment in Pan

Global - The Triple Second  -- Invented by the late, great Rudolph Charles of  Desperadoes Steel Orchestra.

According to recognized and globally respected tuner Andy Neils:  the “Double Second has three common types - F#, F and E, the letter name being the lowest. The Triple second goes lower to C or B, as the Quadrophonic.” 

Panist Alexis Schloss on triple-second - ADLIB
Panist Alexis Schloss on triple-second - ADLIB

Panist Keifer Dover on triple-second - ADLIB
Panist Keifer Dover on triple-second - ADLIB

Listen to the Triple Second in action music headphones. Basement Recordings captures ADLIB Steel Orchestra as they prepare for the 2019 New York steelband Panorama competition just days before the event. ADLIB Steel Orchestra performed a Marc Brooks-arrangement of “Iron Love.”  The Triple Second is placed 2"oclock-center-right-rear. music headphones

Panist Natasha Rebeiro on triple-second  - Despers USA
Panist Natasha Rebeiro on triple-second  - Despers USA

Panist Hayden Lynch on triple-second - Despers USA
Panist Hayden Lynch on triple-second - Despers USA

Panist Vicky Theodore on triple-second  - D’Radoes Steel Orchestra
Panist Vicky Theodore on triple-second  - D’Radoes Steel Orchestra

Garnett - D’Radoes Steel Orchestra
Garnett - D’Radoes Steel Orchestra

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