Verse 1
It’s Showtime!
Anxiety fills the atmosphere
There’s a sense of fear, for your
time to shine is here Your heart
rate, increases as you await The
announcer’s call, loud to one and
all The spotlight now has been
switched on Cameras set for
television The main attraction
Lights, Cam’ra, action.
Time to release pent up energy
Time to show off your vitality
Time to dance and sway As you
display Your cabaret It’s showtime! This ain’t no fun Now
is showtime! Expectation It’s showtime! Is perfection Now is
showtime! Remember, the hours
that you put in Playing
repeatedly while rehearsing Every
evening is prac-tice, prac-tice,
prac-tice, prac-tice, prac-tice,
prac-tice, prac-tice, practising
It was a, real hard climb You
know you’re, in your prime Rise
and shine, now is showtime.
Verse 2
It’s Showtime!
Fireworks are lighting up the sky
Balloons and streamers, released and
floating up high Confetti, drifts
aimlessly through the air
Flashing laser beams, dart from here
to there The audience waits
expectantly This is what the
people come to see Everybody know
They come for a show.
Verse 3
It’s Showtime! On a tight rope show
the world your trick You don’t
want to slip, cause that’s the end
of your trip Stay focussed, there
is no room for error You’ve lived
for this day, you’re the performer
And as you hit the final note
Hear the audience scream for all its
worth Encore and encore They
want more and more.