Dr. Jeannine Remy earned her Bachelors and Masters Degrees from Northern Illinois University and her Doctorate from the University of Arizona. Dr. Remy is a senior lecturer of music in the Department for Creative and Festival Arts at the University of the West Indies (UWI) in Trinidad. She currently teaches courses in percussion, steelpan (arranging, history, literature), world music, and music of the Caribbean. Dr. Remy first visited Trinidad in 1989 as part of her doctoral research at the University of Arizona. She subsequently received numerous faculty research grants, including a Fulbright in 2000-2001, to research and archive Trinidadian steelpan music.
Moving to Trinidad in 2003, Dr. Remy became the first foreign female arranger for large conventional steelbands (Hatters) competing in panorama and music festivals. In 2010 she won the Pan in the 21st Century Competition with the Curepe Sforzata Steel Orchestra. She continues to be an active composer, arranger, adjudicator and musical commentator in cultural music. Since her tenure at the University of the West Indies, her compositions for steelband and percussion ensemble, The Rainmakers Tropical Journey in Percussion and Steel, earned a showcase performance at the Percussive Arts Society International Convention in November of 2008. Dr. Remy released her first CD with the UWI Percussion Ensemble in May of 2010 and co-authored a book on the history of Invaders Steelband with Ray Funk, which was launched in September of 2014.