Steelband Arranger

Mickiel Gabriel

Mickiel Gabriel

Mickiel Gabriel - Success Stars Pan Sounds, West Side Symphony, Harmonites Steel Orchestra
Panorama Championships
Trinidad & Tobago -  
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Mickiel Gabriel, born May 6th 1991, is originally from Rio Claro in south east Trinidad. His family moved into Laventille, north Trinidad, where he began feeding his hunger for Pan. He attended Success Laventille Secondary School, and was part of the school’s steel orchestra, Success Stars Pan Sounds. In 2007, Mickiel became captain of the steel orchestra; this title would remain with him the following year, which was also the year he left school.

After leaving, he was offered a job to teach music at Success Laventille Secondary, which he accepted, and naturally - he kept the orchestra up and running throughout the year. Officially, he is now the band’s arranger, and thus far has led the band to numerous victories, including SandFest 2010 and 2011, and three consecutive National Junior Panorama championships in the ‘Non Schools’ category in 2011, 2012 and 2013.  And for 2012 through 2014, he has not only arranged, but also written and sung the tunes of choice played by Success Stars Pan Sounds in those Junior Panorama competitions.

The steel orchestra currently has a full repertoire of arrangements done by Mickiel, and has performed for the country’s respective Prime Ministers, and on major stages like NAPA (National Academy for the Performing Arts), Naparima Bowl, and even hosted a full concert at the prestigious Queen’s Hall, St. Ann’s, in August 2011.

Mickiel is currently completing the Music Certificate program at the University of the West Indies and though he is known for his arranging capabilities, it is not odd to find him on a stage singing. As a vocalist he has done numerous performances, including entering the Junior Soca Monarch in 2008.


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