Arima Golden Symphony Steel Orchestra

2025 Tune of choice: “Gold” | arranger: Terrance “BJ” Marcelle

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Arima Golden Symphony Steel Orchestra has won the Small Conventional Steel
Orchestra Category in
Trinidad & Tobago’s National Panorama Competition as follows:
2010, 2011,
2012 and
five (5) consecutive years, and again in
2015 and
This is a feat no other conventional steel
orchestra has ever achieved. And all victories have been under the baton of
arranger Terrance “BJ” Marcelle.
- 2024 Tune of choice: “Doh Back Back” | arranger: Terrance “BJ” Marcelle
- 2023 Tune of choice: “This Melody Sweet” | arranger: Terrance “BJ” Marcelle
- 2020 Tune of choice: “Madness” | arranger: Terrance “BJ” Marcelle
- 2019 Tune of choice: “Pan By Storm” | arranger: Terrance “BJ” Marcelle