Panorama Gold

Couva Joylanders Steel Orchestra

2025 Tune of choice:  Cut The Bush”  |  arranger:  Stefon West

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The NGC Couva Joylanders Steel Orchestra is a professional organisation that provides quality entertainment and musical services to its clients, which includes all ethnic and social groups both local and international. The band is often referred to as “the dancing band” by many and is renowned for its unique style, attractive appearance and exciting repertoire which vary with the occasion.

In addition to our core business of music and entertainment, The NGC Couva Joylanders Steel Orchestra is strongly involved and devoted to the training and development of individuals within the community. Our programs are intended to promote the national instrument of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago as well as to further develop the musical abilities of others. The primary and secondary schools in addition to the business community are all targeted and facilitated in this initiative.

In 2020, Couva Joylanders with arranger Stefon West were triumphant for the first time in the medium band category in Trinidad & Tobago’s annual National Panorama.

  Couva Joylanders Arrangers

  Panorama Performance

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