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PanGanG: From Pan-kultur to Calypsonic



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Germany - In 1999, the managing board of the steel pan association pan-kultur e.V. from Dortmund asked music pedagogue Werner M. Weidensdorfer if he could offer courses for children on their premises. Being an absolute pan novice, he was confronted with the sound of steel pans for the very first time at that moment and was “assimilated” immediately. Within one week, his experience as a musician and teacher combined with the craftsmanship of tuner Eckhard C. Schulz lead to the creation of the TeacherSteelPan, an elementary instrument for learning the language of music. Thus equipped, the PanKids – as they were called back then – embarked on their journey into the steel pans’ cosmos of sound, a journey which has lasted for 11 years up to now. With their TeacherPans which in the course of the early years were extended by the ranges soprano, alto, tenor and bass to form a quartet, they quickly made a name for themselves as a children’s steel band. 2004 saw the change to traditional steel pan instruments, and the PanKids became the youth steel orchestra “PanGanG”. As early as in 2006, they won the 1st prize at the Folk + World Music 2006 competition organized by the LandesVerband der Musikschulen in NRW [regional association of music schools in North Rhine-Westphalia]. Numerous concerts and intensive rehearsal made sure that the PanGanG consistently developed to become a professional steel orchestra. In January of 2009 they won the 1st prize at the regional competition “JugendJazztNRW”, thus bringing the Caribbean calypso sound into the domain of jazz big bands. On 20th June, PanGanG played at the 1st International Steel Band Festival in De Kwakel, Netherlands.

At this point, there was the breakup with pan-kultur as the managing board parted with W. M. Weidensdorfer directly after the prize-winning concert in January. This would have been the end of the successful youth orchestra if it had not been for a group of committed parents who were willing to carry on the successful concept. In late April of 2010, PanGanG left the orchestra room in Güntherstrasse to move into their PanLoft of the newly founded association “Calypsonic e.V. - Institut für SteelPan und Calypso” only a few hundred yards away.

Apart from the soprano pans owned by each of the musicians, they had no orchestra instruments at all – but two important gigs were scheduled for only two weeks later. In this near-fatal situation, the tuner Toussaint Clarke proved to be a real saviour. The parents advanced funds, and a basic ensemble set was brought back to Dortmund from a weekend trip to Bath. This, however, led to another challenge: On account of the Caribbean-style layout of the pans, the experienced musicians had to start again from scratch! After only one single week and despite all adverse conditions, PanGanG played on Saturday and Sunday on occasion of the anniversary of the Cologne Zoo – and the audience was enthusiastic. After a number of local concerts, this summer the band achieved something which they would not have thought of in their wildest dreams: arranger Leroy Clarke and Joe Friend, captain of Real Steel Plymouth, invited them to join the orchestra for the UK Panorama in London. The time frame was tight, one week of preparation in their own rehearsal room, then off to Plymouth on the Saturday before the Notting Hill Carnival. Following another 5 days of highly intensive work in the Sound House, Estover, Real Steel’s complete line-up met for the final rehearsal in Bath. That event alone went beyond the imagination of our German teenagers. And then came the absolute highlight of this journey – the UK Panorama in Kensal Road, a musical wonder of the world with PanGanG right in the middle! Since then, the sound at Calypsonic e.V. has changed fundamentally. It sounds as if the band has been given a turbocharger, and everyone knows for sure: Pan is for life – PanGanG will play on!

From the news desk of PanGanG

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