Meet Rico Hunte - Panist, Arranger, Educator & Performing Artist - UpClose!

Charismatic, articulate, focused and thoughtful - this multitalented panist represents the next generation of pan players. In an exclusive interview with When Steel Talks, steelpan player and Hip hop artist Rico Hunte speaks on his successful combining of the two art forms in his creative process.
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His passion for Pan burns as fiercely as it does for Hip hop through rhyme; life experiences find unapologetic and cutting expression through verse and rhythm. Rico Hunte is on a musical mission that is unabashed and includes the steelpan where it belongs - naturally in sync with other “conventional” instruments. He’s proudly plotting and travelling his own path, not compromising his craft for a quick quest in popularity. At his core, CASYM [Steel Orchestra]; Hunte, in his own words, tells his-story to date.

Rico Hunte
Rico Hunte

On the mixture of Pan and Hip hop Rico says “I like where it is going. Pan has been hidden for so long - out there for so long. And Pan has been, like this kind of percussion instrument that people really don’t know. And now that it is kinda getting out there I’m happy about it.”

On Kendrick Lamar winning a Pulitzer - Rico says “I was kind of surprised. Hip hop is still considered this forbidden ‘gangsta’ thing and it’s not. There are so many different types of Hip hop music....” 

And to drive the point of the ---- home, none other than famed panist Duvone Stewart is featured on his track “LOVE’S A BITCH.”

Listen to RICO (Respect–Intelligence–Cynical and Outstanding) Hunte in his own words, UpClose!


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