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Sonatas Steel Orchestra Two for 2 - But Very Different Results

New York Steelband music franchises replace Brooklyn Dodgers in Summer of 2014

A When Steel Talks Exclusive

Sonatas 2014 Band Launch flyer

Brooklyn, New York, USA - Many years from now, the story will be retold about the night with the legendary Neville Jules (and a dancing Mr. Jules at that!)—captain emeritus of the also-legendary Trinidad All Stars—and Pan icons like Hue Loy and Ken “Professor” Philmore who were present too. The spirits of Dodger greats Jackie Robinson, Duke Snider and Roy Campanella dropped down from behind the Supermoon, to “Big Tony’s” Metro panyard next to Ebbets Field, to hear the Samuel brothers Tristan and Trevonne, Sade, Markus, Eddie, “Foster” Andrea, Darrel, Dashawn, Kadeem, Natasha—and the rest of the Sonatas crew—rock the Ebbets field complex with Pan music in the summer of 2014.

Metro Steel Orchestra’s panyard is less than a stone’s throw away from where the fabled Ebbets Field once proudly stood as the home of the loveable Brooklyn Dodgers (now the Los Angeles Dodgers) baseball franchise.  Now the great steelband music franchises of Brooklyn have carried on the tradition of providing outstanding Summer entertainment and continually extracting in return, die hard community loyalty for Brooklyn, New York, for over the past 40 years - and they are still going strong.

Where once one told stories and tales of the Brooklyn Dodgers and boys of Summer - Jackie Robinson, Duke Snider, Pee Wee Reese and the like - we now tell stories of CrossFire, Pantonic, Sonatas, Despers USA, CASYM and D’Radoes. Instead of Dodger blue, the young people proudly wear shirts with the logos and colors of these organizations. The names of new rising stars are the arrangers and players (first name only needed for instant recognition and band association) - Leon, Sade, Odie, Kern, Travis, Kendall, “BJ,” “Mann,” “Bummer,” Marc, Sharon, Tichard, Seion, Wayne, Ian, Duvone and Wilfred - among many, many others.

The Dodgers’ logo is no longer a prevalent part of our Brooklyn psyche - but the logos and music of Sonatas, Despers USA, CrossFire, CASYM and others have replaced them well... And the Brooklyn Dodgers would be proud of them, their performances, community roots and ability to bring the roar of applause back to the Ebbets Field area.

Sun setting behind the Ebbets Field apartment complex
Sun setting behind the Ebbets Field apartment complex before the launch

Which brings When Steel Talks (WST) to our current band launch review. Closing in on 90 degrees in the shade, the sun setting behind the Ebbets Field apartment complex cast a large shadow and much needed relief from the heat over the Metro Panyard parking lot. In addition, this signaled that it was time for the much-anticipated Sonatas Steel Orchestra 2014 band launch to begin.

The Venue

The event was held at Metro’s Panyard on Empire Boulevard. The only issue was this week there was no lighting for the bands performing against the back wall. That wreaked havoc on any possible video capabilities. In addition the crowd smothered the bands and killed sound. A minimum three-feet clearance is a must. If the launches are ever to be streamed live these issues have to be under control.  Implements along the lines of crowd control stanchions commonly found in places like banks, airports and the like, can be placed in front of the present performing band, and simply moved around when the others are ready to play. 

That buffer zone is also a huge consideration for the elder members of the Pan music community, who want to enjoy the event, but cannot be part of the ‘mad crush’ that engulfs the bands.  Instead, they were relegated to the back of the activities, not hearing much, and not seeing anything at all.

We look forward to remote HD screens. The works! Look for Metro’s “Big Tony” to be on the case.

The Event

Coming off of last week’s sizzling performances WST expected the Brooklyn Steel Orchestras to come back to Metro’s panyard with musical vengeance in their belly, the ancient rhythms guiding their souls, and steel in their hearts to change the script Sonatas executed a week earlier. Essentially all the franchises were returning, with the exception of Higher Levin and Oasis from Newark, New Jersey who were replaced by CASYM.

The tempo to this launch was different from last week’s Despers USA event. The crowd trickled in at a slower rate. This show started some two and a half hours later than the advertised 5:00 p.m. showtime. WST believes this adversely affected the turn-out as with the ready availability of cell phones, texting, and other real-time communication on social media, folks simply remain home until they have confirmation that the event has started.  WST saw some pan lovers parking their vehicles and eagerly making their way into the show, which would only eventually get underway much later. 

In any regard, the Rhythm Section opened the show. They are one of the more prominent rhythm sections operating out of Brooklyn. The group is unique in that they also include brass with the percussive elements; it was indeed different.

The Rhythm Section opens up Sonatas’ 2014 band launch
The Rhythm Section opens up Sonatas’ 2014 band launch

It’s been almost a month since we last saw CASYM at the D’Radoes launch. There were no new musical wrinkles we were aware of in their typical, solid, CASYM presentation. Veteran stage members were substituted at times, giving performance opportunities to their extremely able former students. The CASYM legacy is in full effect. Check CASYM’s version of September by Earth Wind and Fire arranged by Jahlani Roberts; see full repertoire.

CASYM Steel Orchestra performs at Sonatas’ 2014 band launch
CASYM Steel Orchestra performs at Sonatas’ 2014 band launch

Despers USA was up next and they performed a mixture of ole school, retro and new. Dropping classics like Tell me Why, Stranger and Somebody, the group also switched gears to this year’s hits like Kerwin Du Bois’ Too Real. Despers USA made sure we remembered what time of the year it was when they gave the audience a verse and chorus sample of their panorama tune of choice Play More Local.  And with their segment in this band launch, Despers USA reminded pan music lovers with their signature ‘touch’ on the steelpan instruments, that the group’s musicians are some of the finest in New York.

Despers USA Steel Orchestra performs at Sonatas’ 2014 band launch
Despers USA Steel Orchestra performs at Sonatas’ 2014 band launch

Looking forward to hearing how their talented arranger Odie Franklin will tackle this piece; see full repertoire.

CrossFire remains one of the main talking points for New York Pan in the Summer of 2014. They keep getting better and tighter. WST has watched the group mature musically and performance-wise. And Kendall Williams has them bringing that full concert experience to every performance. They’ve got some of the finest instruments in the region. They stepped up to the plate and delivered the goods each time out; see full repertoire.

CrossFire Steel Orchestra performs at Sonatas’ 2014 band launch
CrossFire Steel Orchestra performs at Sonatas’ 2014 band launch

The name Pantonic still conjures up memories of the times when the late Clive Bradley wielded the orchestra like Thor’s hammer and ruled New York - or the steelpan music world for that matter. And they brought this to the fore when the group dropped Trini To The Bone.  Pantonic has become that group this Summer that has dropped several “Just Listen” moments; at times they were the most intriguing musically; they have been quality recitals. With true music and ‘tonic for the soul,’ they are still striving for musical excellence and classic performances; see full repertoire.

Pantonic Steel Orchestra performs at Sonatas’ 2014 band launch
Pantonic Steel Orchestra performs at Sonatas’ 2014 band launch

Steel Sensation owned the crowd from the first note. First-class musicianship, engaging arrangements and well-tuned instruments by Bertram “Birch” Kelman. WST is accustomed to great performances from Steel Sensation. They did not disappoint. Indeed, one of the greatest compliments was paid to the group when the great Neville Jules perked up with intrigue and interest upon hearing Steel Sensation;  see full repertoire.

Steel Sensation performs at Sonatas’ 2014 band launch
Steel Sensation performs at Sonatas’ 2014 band launch

Last week’s performance by Sonatas at the Despers USA launch can best be described as a spontaneous, but systematic, semi-private and spiritual fireside pow wow with the audience; it was one of those sets that the great Max Roach would call ‘magical.’  In those rare moments—few and far in between as they are—the performing artist can commune and walk with the Gods while taking the audience in tow. Everything is in place and discipline and execution are simply part of the course.

This week a different side of Sonatas was evident. WST saw them beginning to make that Transformers-like transition from stage-side to a 100-player-world class Panorama steel orchestra at full throttle. From a well-oiled purring Ferrari clicking on all cylinders, to 18-wheeler Mack truck with spikes on the rims, spitting out fire and flexing muscles of raw power - it was all there. The good, the bad, the excellent, along with the ‘hmmm.’ With Panorama at its doorstep, and with an occasional lapse in music discipline - (we suspect some folks never made it to practice - it’s okay for parts of the rhythm section to miss their stops in mid-August - LOL) - Sonatas was able to display strength, connecting with the audience on a different level while still maintaining musicality. It was a different performance as the conditions on the ground were different; see full repertoire.

Sonatas perform at their 2014 launch
Sonatas perform at their 2014 launch

Rambunctious iron men, die hard supporters and ‘bandwagoners’ were all part of the Sonatas scene on this evening. Indeed such is the nature of the beast (Panorama). As the great Dalton Narine - journalistic and film-o-matic genius said, the beast must be fed.  Of course the group that can feed the beast and simultaneously tame/control the power of the fire snorts, will have the chance to win New York’s Panorama competition.

The legendary Neville Jules (center), with arrangers Seion Gomez (left) and Leon "Foster" Thomas (right)
The legendary Neville Jules (center), with arrangers Seion Gomez (left) and Leon “Foster” Thomas (right)

A list of Who’s Who dropped by Sonatas’ band launch, some faces very familiar.  Ambassador of Pan Vincent HueLoy Lila Yip Young was true to his word in promising that he would make special haste back to New York from Trinidad just in time simply to catch Sonatas’ band launch; he did!  The mighty and legendary Neville Jules of Trinidad All Stars was in the house in the company of his lovely wife. 


Eric Adams, Brooklyn's Borough President (left), with Anthony Joseph - manager of Metro Steel Orchestra
Eric Adams, Brooklyn’s Borough President (left), with Anthony “Big Tony” Joseph - manager of Metro Steel Orchestra

Arrangers Seion Gomez, and Yohan Popwell with his family, turned out in support. Former president of WIADCA (West Indian American Day Carnival Association) Yolanda Lezama-Clarke was on hand, so too Eric Adams - Brooklyn’s Borough President, Kings County Supreme Court Judge Sylvia Ash, Demstars Steel Orchestra leader Anthony “Ike” Hinds, and many more.

It was an evening of music to be enjoyed by all who attended.  Big-up to Sonatas’ captain Sade, Latisha, “Mr. Mack” and other members of Sonatas support staff for ably maintaining their professionalism, while performing double duty at the event.

And now these current ‘boys and girls’ of Summer will be forever digitally linked ‘in the cloud’ when ‘Googled,’ as their names are part of the starting musical lineups that performed in the Brooklyn Dodgers backyard. You can be sure the spirits of Jackie, Pee Wee, and the other great Dodgers especially enjoyed moments like when Despers USA dropped Glass Mountain on folks.

The Performances

2014 Band launches

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Contact CASYM:  1 (718) 735-6708 
Contact CrossFire:  1 (347) 262-5746
Contact Despers USA: 1 (347) 526-9886
Contact Pantonic:  1 (718) 434-0231
Contact Sonatas:   1 (718) 496-5133
Contact Steel Sensation:  1 (718) 809-8288

CASYM Steel Orchestra members
Tenor - Travis Roberts, Lance Maximin, “BJ,” Isabel Lewis, Elizabeth Lewis, Abiola Fraser
Double Second - Orrin Andrews, Tanya Lewis, Haajar Orta, Isaiah Adams
Guitar - Sheianne Danglade, Siboney Hector, Tyler Cohen
Bass - Kurel Mattis, Curtis Lynch, Juquan Phillips
Drummer & Arranger - Jahlani Roberts
CrossFire Steel Orchestra members
Tenor - Giselle Desir, Zeandre Douglas, Isaiah Daniel,  Sciyahn Koonkoon
Double Tenor - Khyah Judah
Double Second - Warren Webster
Guitar -
Sakinah Porter, Keifer Dover
Cello - Arielle Chase, Danielle Edinboro, Matthew Best
Six Bass - Nia Jacob, Alexis Schloss
Arranger/Drummer - Kendall Williams
Despers USA Steel Orchestra members
Tenor - Shakim, Elizabeth Fidel
Double Second - Tiara Cadet, Natasha Riberio
Guitar - Justyne Simon
Bass - Daryl Gamory,  Kernel Simon, Sharon Samuels, Raven
Pantonic Steel Orchestra members  
Tenor -  Shania Chance, Francis Sharpe, Sheldon Rattan, Nandia Hamilton
Guitar - Erica Bishop
Cello - Wayne Bernard
Double Second - Brandon Waldrop, Anthony Sharpe
Tenor Bass - Adrian Edwards
Bass - Aviel John
Percussion - Sheldon Thwaites
Drums - Ryan Osborne
Sonatas Steel Orchestra members
Tenor - Kazz Martin, Darrel Spence, Akili Amoroso, Tiye Betaudier, Leon Foster Thomas, Imari Bactowal, Chanelle Walker
Double Second - Trevonne Samuel, Sade Constantine, Markus Garceran
Guitar - Andrea Parks
Cello - Natasha Isaac
Tenor Bass - Zaria Neckles, Akira Jones
Six Bass - Edward Clarke, Tristan Samuel
Percussion - Kadeem McShine, Sean Simon, “A.J.” Forteau
Drums -
Dashawn Wallace
Steel Sensation members
Six Bass - Edward Clarke
Cello - Bossman “Goose” Joseph
Double Second - Marc Brooks
Tenor - Ryan Joseph, Tristan Japsi
Drums - Ian Japsi
CASYM Steel Orchestra
 ~  Falling In Love - (Elvis Presley)
 ~  September - (Earth, Wind & Fire)
 ~  Carnival Tabanca / Red Light District - Bunji Garlin
 ~  Big People Party - (Farmer Nappy)
CrossFire Steel Orchestra
 ~  This Love - (Maroon 5)
 ~  Sealed With A Kiss
 ~  Chippin’ - (Farmer Nappy)
 ~  Carnival Tabanca - Bunji Garlin
 ~  Differentology - (Bunji Garlin)
 ~  Red Light District - Bunji Garlin
Despers USA Steel Orchestra
 ~  Glass Mountain
 ~  Tell Me Why - (Baron)
 ~  Stranger - (Shadow)
 ~  Somebody - (Baron)
 ~  Too Real - (Kerwin Du Bois)
 ~  Play More Local - (“Mr. Famous”)
Pantonic Steel Orchestra
 ~  Mirrors
 ~  Moves Like Jagger - (Maroon 5/Christina Aguilera)
 ~  Missing You
 ~  Fiery - (Maestro/Bunji Garlin)
 ~  Trini To De Bone - (Carl Jacobs/David Rudder)
 ~  Town Ting - (“Cassi”)
 ~  Bubbling
 ~  Winning Good
Sonatas Steel Orchestra
 ~  We Come Out To Play / Jab Jab
 ~  Indian Gyal - / Big People Party - (Farmer Nappy)
 ~  Locked Out Of Heaven - (Bruno Mars)
 ~  Red Light District - (Bunji Garlin)
 ~  Feelin’ It - (Baron)
 ~  Lorraine - (Explainer)
 ~  Need A Riddim
 ~  This Melody Sweet - (Baron)
 ~  Action - (SuperJigga TC)
Steel Sensation
 ~  Just The Way You Are - (Billy Joel)
 ~  No Le Prague La Negra
 ~  Could You Be Loved - (Bob Marley)
Shadow Medley -
 ~  Stranger - (Mighty Shadow)
 ~  Bassman - (Mighty Shadow)
 ~  Bonnie and Clyde - (Destra)
 ~  Pompeii
 ~  Big People Party - (Farmer Nappy)