Meet Mustafa Alexander, Panist and Performing Musician - UpClose!

A When Steel Talks Exclusive

He has had years of profitability on the event-performance circuit. Now panist and businessman Mustafa Alexander takes some time out to share his path to success, for the benefit of aspiring would-be career musicians, with a focus on those within the global steelband fraternity, in this exclusive interview with When Steel Talks.

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Share in the passion and real-life journey of going from playing for fun and Panorama, to making Pan your successful career and business.

Mustafa Alexander, who started playing pan in New York during the Bradley-Pantonic years, experienced special moments in New York pan first-hand as he learned and expanded his skill set as a steelband musician under the great Clive Bradley’s Panorama experience.

Now a very successful musician on the event-performance circuit, Mustafa shares his knowledge and experiences - going from a potentially challenging situation to a chance gig on the Anderson Cooper Show. And the rest, as they say, is history.


See more on Mustafa Alexander at SteelDrumVibes

Mustafa Alexander
Mustafa Alexander



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