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102° in the Shade - Despers USA’s Launch Raises Steelpan Music Index

New York Steel Orchestras’ Next Generation on the Rise

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New York Pan Stars at Despers USA Launch

New York, USA - ...Bring your A game or stay home. ...On the New York steelpan music scene anything less can result in your feelings getting hurt.

The temperature has consistently risen over 100° Fahrenheit for a few days now.  And the Big Apple has been trapped in the grip of a blistering heat wave.  Four days now and counting.  Real hot indeed!  But it was about to get even hotter as ‘global warming’ was about to be taken on a different path, through the sweet sounds of steelpan music as it filled the area and rose into the rafters of the D’Radoes panyard located in Canarsie, Brooklyn.  The second annual Despers USA steelband launch was underway.

Bring your ‘A’ game or stay home.  On the New York steelpan music scene anything less can result in your feelings getting hurt. Surrounded by cagey and knowledgeable veterans, New York steelpan musicians are young, talented and hungry with years of experience in spite of their tender ages.  Out this night to represent their musical tribes and area, were none other than some of the best steel orchestras in New York - a virtual who’s who of the standard bearers of North American pan music.  CASYM, Sonatas, Pantonic, Steel Sensation, USA Eastside, Higher Levin, D’Radoes, Pan Ambassadors, Pan Stars, Crossfire and Harmony Music Makers - all present and accounted for.

East Side Symphony
East Side Symphony
 Steel Sensation
Steel Sensation

Like other aspects of arts and culture the New York steel orchestras are unlike anywhere else in the world.  New York can be a spectacular place - but it can also be a hostile and unforgiving abode for the performing arts  community-based organizations and in particular for the New York steel orchestras, specifically, and New Yorkers in general financially:  physically, spiritually and artistically.  The bands’ performances, musical selections and musical attitudes are a direct reflection of the environment and living in an intense, eclectic, get up-and-go attitude of the city in which they survive.


Every launch is different because of venue, time restrictions, audience and bands present, and repertoire they present on that event.  The Despers USA launch can be categorized as ambitious.  There were a lot of bands in the performance line-up and other scheduled activities within the bands’ performances. Given the time restraints, trying to pack all this in one evening and maintain quality control may have been a bit too ambitious.  Sometimes less is more.

From a musical standpoint there were some excellent performances and there were some curious moments. From Despers USA’s beautiful rendition of ‘Hot and Groovy’ to D’Radoes ‘Hotel California’ it was all here. There were the occasional instances when a drummer here and there would become a soloist and forget that they were playing with a stage side and not anchoring a 120-player Panorama band. However, all in all it was another good night for Pan in New York.

Higher Levin Steel Orchestra
Higher Levin
New York Pan Stars
New York Pan Stars
 Pan Ambassadors
Pan Ambassadors

One thing - bands have to learn to end their songs properly.  It speaks much to the level of professionalism, respect for your audience, attention to detail and overall musicianship.  A crash-landing ending is simply that, a crash-landing.  With all the video cameras and cell phone cameras at these launches, why have yourself immortalized as having crash-landed?

Pan Sonatas Steel Orchestra
Despers USA
Despers USA

It is great to see the young people of the New York pan fraternities and in this case Despers USA, planning, marketing, producing, problem-solving and actively directing these steelpan activities with the help of the veterans. Despers USA take a bow.  With each launch look for show production, band performances and repertoire to get tighter. Still to come - Pantonic, CASYM, ADLIB and Pan Sonatas band launches. Time to take off the kids glove. Kindergarten is over. Whackers, beaters, pounders and pretenders beware. Musicians only!

Check the events calendar for upcoming New York launches.

Related article & pictures: Steelpan in the Sauna - a Scorcher of a Band Launch for Despers USA


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