Phil Hawkins |
Phil Hawkins
obtained his formal education from Wichita State
University under Dr. J.C. Combs. There he received a
Bachelors degree in Music Education and a Masters degree
in Percussion Performance. In addition he studied
privately with Matt Wilson, Ed Soph, Alex Acuna, Jeff
Hamilton, Steve Houghton and Mike Spiro.
He is also a nationally
renowned author. His first book, World Rhythms for Kids:
Caribbean Carnival, is a world music curriculum for
teachers that includes a play-along CD and sheet music for
beginning steelband. His second book, Caribbean Jazz
Ensemble, features twenty of his original compositions
arranged for jazz combo. Hawkins’ newest book, Pan Rhythm,
is receiving tremendous reviews from the pan community as a
method book for beginning pan students.
Phil Hawkins has
performed internationally at numerous festivals and clubs.
He can be seen with his band, Caribbean Jazz Ensemble as
well. Members include Matt Clark on piano, Paul Van
Wageningen on the drums and Stan Ginn doing percussion.
Phil Hawkins - steelpans, composer, drums, percussion, keyboards, bass
Edwin “Crazy” Ayoung - lead vocals
Ray Obiedo - guitar
Harry Best - lyrics