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‘First Place’

sung by Genelle Bharat
composed by Genelle Bharat

produced by Robert SN Baptiste I Simply Natural Family

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“First Place”
Genelle Bharat
Provided with the expressed permission of the composer(s)

click here for lead sheet


Verse 1

Three years now ah doing this writing thing,
And as time goes by my writing skill has been progressing,
About d steel pan is what I love to sing,
Feel ah joy in meh heart to know d ppl love what I bring,
Dey tell meh, “Young lady,
Dis industry eh easy,
But continue writing good lyrics,
And d crown one year you would take it,
All my life playing with this band,”
Second, third or fourth is what dey have come, oh yes,
But yuh see this year when Serenaders touch down.

Chorus 1

This year we coming to take,
First Place
Ah tell yuh dey cannot stop weh,
We come to take, First Place
This year we come to claim victory,
We come to take, First Place
No matter how hard dey fight weh,
We come to take, First Place
We name must go down in history


Oh no dey cah stop weh
Serenaders coming out from in Laventille,
Ah say dey cah stop weh
To show d talent we have up on St. Babbs Hill,
Oh no dey cah stop weh
We bringing good music to blow yuh mind and soul,
Ah say dey cah stop weh
This year we must be known around d world.

Second Chorus

We come to take,
First Place - Oh yeh - First Place
Serenaders come to take,
First Place - Ah ha - First Place
Judges doh make ah mistake,
First Place - Oh yeh - First Place
Serenaders come to take First place,
In this race.

Verse 2

Back in d fifties Serenaders was found,
And from then till now
We have not been placed as number (1),
Practicing hard every single day and night,
We working as ah team to ensure that we doh lose this fight,
Helping out each other,
To put everything in order,
We preparing for this long journey,
For another first in Laventille,
We coming out to set ah pace,
2k17 is d time and place, oh yes,
Serenaders will be leading just gih we space


This year we coming to take,
First Place
Ah tell yuh dey cannot stop weh,
We come to take - First Place
This year we come to claim victory,
We come to take, First Place
No matter how hard dey fight weh,
We come to take, First Place
We name must go down in history.


Oh no dey cah stop weh
When yuh see we come out to jam on d big stage,
Ah say dey cah stop weh
We bringing we fans to palance and misbehave,
Oh no dey cah stop weh
Every Panorama we have ah good time,
Ah say dey cah stop weh
This is d year Serenaders have to shine.

Second Chorus

Verse 3

Through all d turmoil and criminality,
We have proven that good things
Still come out from Laventille,
Being led by d respected man, “Ben Up ,”
We continue to grow from strength to strength
There’s no way we’ll stop,
His heart to desire,
To see this small band aspire,
With d support from his committee,
Together dey stand to make history,
No no no we not giving up,
This customary thing is time that stop, oh yes,
Just put Laventille Serenaders on top.



Oh no dey cah stop weh,
This is no joke we coming out hard and strong,
Ah say dey cah stop weh,
We want to see judges wining to d ground,
Oh no dey cah stop weh,
To all dem other bands we doh want yuh fuss,
Ah say dey cah stop weh,
We just believe number (1) belong to us.

Second Chorus

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