1930 |
- Winston “Spree” Simon was born
in 1930, Rose Hill, East Dry River, Trinidad
Sterling Betancourt
- born 30 March, Laventille;
member of Tripoli and Hells
Kitchen; 1942/1946 - formed St. James Crossfire,
becoming pan tuner and arranger for that band;
1947/1951 sent to UK with
TASPO in 1951
1931 |
Anthony “Tony” Williams is born 24 June in St.
James, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad
- Outright banning of African drums by the British
- Tamboo Bamboo replaces outlawed African drums as
main musical medium
- “boom” for low tones
- “foule” or “buller” for mid-range
- “cutter” for counterpoint/lead
1935 |
- Tamboo Bamboo banned
- Gonzales Tamboo-Bamboo Band introduces the first
type of “bass pan”
1936 |
Bertram Lloyd Marshall - Bertie Marshall was
born 6 February 1936 at 16 St. Vincent Street,
Port of Spain, Trinidad
Clive Bradley
was born in Diego Martin, Trinidad, 1936
- Alexander Ford establishes The Alexander Ragtime
- Sweet-oil pans, dust bins, biscuit pans:
- Sticks without rubber
- St. Lucia - August 18 -
Augustus 'Pan' Andrew one of the most significant
figures in the history of Pan in St. Lucia
1937 |
- Steelband competition held at Queen’s Park Oval
- Alexander Rag Time Band (winner)
- Hell Ward
- Second Eleven
1938 |
- Lincoln
"Delgado" Noel, master tuner -
also known as the "Pan
Doctor" was born in La Brea, San Fernando south Trinidad on the 26th October,
1939 |
- World War II (1939-1945)
- Carnival suspended
- Bands parade “illegally”
- 3-note ping-pong introduced
- Mikey Enoch,
iconic New York steelpan
tuner was born on February 7, 1939 in the village of Tunapuna,
Trinidad, West Indies

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Exclusive interviews and spotlights with When Steel Talks - See more at:
When Steel Talks / -- News
Sources -- Interviews; 1973-present
Magazine - Vol,1,2,3 - 1985-1988 - Les Slater -
Dalton Narine Steelband: Professor Gage
Averill, Rise of the Steelband: Carnival Music pg. 44-52
Forty Years in the Steelbands 1939-1979: George
“Sonny” Goddard 1991 Karia Press
International Conference on Pan, The Steelband - Musical
Miracle of the Twentieth Century: Teddy Belgrave
Voices From the Hills, 1987: Ancil Anthony Neil
Soul of Pan: Trevor Belmosa, 1989, Servol Printing
Service, Port of Spain Trinidad WI
Steelband - The Music of Trinidad & Tobago ** UK
Daily Mirror, September 23, 1965, p. 7
Steelbands of New York - 1985 - Doris Green
Pan News
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Basement Recordings Inc.,,/ When
Steel Talks All rights reserved
Compiled by
When Steel Talks
Last modified:
October 30, 2020
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